
VFD Commissioning

Choose this option if you are trying to install a new VFD & need support in commissioning, programming, and guidance on the wiring



Get expert help with your VFD commissioning remote on a voice call by Industry Pro’s VFD experts:

Our comprehensive telephonic support service is designed to guide you through the entire VFD commissioning process, from initial installation to final programming. Whether you’re encountering challenges with wiring, programming assistance, or simply seeking expert guidance, our team of experienced technicians is here to help.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Remote troubleshooting and support: Our technicians will work with you remotely to diagnose and resolve any issues you may encounter during the commissioning process.
  • Dedicated guidance: We’ll provide step-by-step instructions and answer all your questions to ensure a smooth and successful installation.
  • Flexibility: We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs and time zone.
  • Expertise across brands: Our technicians are well-versed in a wide range of VFD brands and models, ensuring they can assist you regardless of your specific equipment.

Additional information

Scope of Services:

・This service provides remote (telephonic) support only for VFD commissioning and troubleshooting. On-site support is not included.
・Technical assistance is offered for parameterization, programming, and basic troubleshooting within the VFD itself. Hardware repair or replacement is not covered.
・Our technicians will provide guidance and support, but successful resolution cannot be guaranteed in cases of hardware malfunction, incompatibility, missing components, or other external factors.

Service Limitations:

・Call duration is limited to 60 minutes per session. Additional time may be charged at our standard hourly rate.
・The technician at your location should possess basic understanding of VFD parameterization and operation. Our support cannot compensate for lack of prior VFD experience.
・This service is a one-time offering. If additional support is required beyond the initial session, further charges will apply.